Posts by Collection


Robotic Rehabilitation of Patients Affected by Stroke

Improved paretic ankle control for patients affected by stroke using a novel robotic platform
Duration: August 2018-December 2018
Contribution: Design and Implementation of Rehabilitation Protocol, Real time visual feedback

Neuromuscular Modeling of Human Ankle for Rehabilitation and Assistance

Developed a universal model of the human ankle that can predict ankle behavior during various daily tasks such as balance and locomotion in a wide range of environments
Duration: August 2015-May 2020
Contribution: Design of Experiments, Neuromuscular Analysis and Modeling, Real Time GUI

Instrumented Walkway Setup for Locomotion Studies

Conceptualized and developed an instrumented walkway to integrate the robotic platform for ankle locomotion studies
Duration: January 2018-July 2018
Contribution: Design, Fabrication and Development.

Motion Adaptation Device for Human Robot Interaction

Developed a wearable device that can record, analyze and adapt human arm motion to robotic systems
Duration: May 2013-May 2014
Contribution: Conceptualization and Implementation of the Sensor Network and Control Algorightm

Autonomous Multi-agent Robosoccer

Developed an intelligent multi-agent system that can compete in robosoccer through real time decision making and cooperation
Duration: May 2011-May 2013
Contribution: Embedded System, Low and High Level Controllers, Decisionmaking Algorithms

Portable Gait Analysis and Rehabilitation System

Developed an economic gait analysis system for rehabilitation of patients in low income countries
Duration: May 2013-May 2014
Contribution: Embedded System, Data Acquisition System, Learning Algorithm for Gait Analysis

Accident Pevention and Emergency Response System

Developed a sensor network that can analyze local conditions to minimize the risk of road accidents
Duration: May 2010-December 2010, August 2013-February 2014
Contribution: Conceptualization, Sensor Network, Fuzzy Algorithms


Team Leader and Electronics Lead for Institute Robotics Team
Duration: December 2009-March 2010, December 2010-March 2011
Contribution: Embedded Systems, Control of 2 Autonomous Robots




Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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